

Returns given string with whitespace stripped from its start and end. Whitespace is defined as SPACE, LF, CR, HT, VT, FF. A string of characters to be trimmed may be optionally supplied.

//  string_trim(str, trim)
s = string_trim("123");                 //  "123"
s = string_trim(" 123");                //  "123"
s = string_trim("123 ");                //  "123"
s = string_trim(" 123 123 ");           //  "123 123"
s = string_trim(" \a 123");             //  "\a 123"
s = string_trim("\t\r\n123\f \v");      //  "123"
s = string_trim("123456789", "1289");   //  "34567"
string_trim(str, trim)
Returns given string with whitespace stripped from its start and end.
COPY/// @func   string_trim(str, trim)
/// @desc   Returns given string with whitespace stripped from its start
///         and end. Whitespace is defined as SPACE, LF, CR, HT, VT, FF.
///         A string of characters to be trimmed may be optionally supplied.
/// @param  {string}    str         string of text
/// @param  {string}    trim        characters to trim, optional
/// @return {string}    trimmed string

function string_trim(str, trim=" \n\r\t\v\f")
    var l = 1;
    while (string_pos(string_char_at(str, l), trim)) {
    var r = string_length(str);
    while (string_pos(string_char_at(str, r), trim)) {
    return string_copy(str, l, r - l + 1);

Contributors: xot

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