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#1 Re: Community » Introductions » 2011-04-26 13:00:25

Hey I'm Vivi_IX (and not spam wink ). I've been using Game Maker for nearly 3 years now and stumbled across gmlscripts about 2 years ago. I love this place. It's very usefull for finding how to do cool things in GML.

My main use for GM is making simple programs. I thing my favorite area of coding is in playing with strings. I would have eventually posted a word counting script on here for a look-over but I dont think I ever made it good enough that someone would probably be better off just rewritting it.

I'm one of those people that have yet ventured into the relm of d3d_ but I am almost familiar with every other gml function. My other favorite area is "surfaces", which were a god-send in the area of GM cpu efficiency <3.

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