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#1 GML Code Help » How to make sprite outline script? » 2013-09-30 08:40:15

Replies: 3

I want a filter or script which will redraw the instance sprite,
with an outline like in rotMG game.

Say then I put script in objects draw event:

scrRedrawWithOutline(pixels_width, color, alpha);

or for more advance glow or shadow effect maybe:

scrRedrawWithOutline(pixels_width = 2-3, color, alpha, gradient = true/false);

I assume it must be done with surfaces to protect performance!

Any help will be appreciated.

#2 Re: Community » Introductions » 2013-03-17 15:41:57

Hi there, I've been using this site for a we tips here and there and I think it is a great idea / resource and I hope to see some more life kicked into the sharing and contributing of scripts.

Especially now with GMS that is now buzzing in the world of game making and HTML5.

I believe there is alot of time that can be saved if we share as well as functionality that can be added to GMS...
Scripts also help me more to understand and learn, since an engine with many scripts is either too complex to fit into my engines or games,
you learn less in the process.

Keep up the great work xot!

#3 Script Submission » phy_look_to(target_object) » 2012-11-23 15:51:24

Replies: 1

I already submitted, but this can help now already if you want to know how to easily rotate object to look towards other objects in the physics world of GMS, since direction and image_angle doesnt work anymore.

Very handy for homing missiles, or space ships following other ships, etc.

//This script will make physical object rotate always to look at another target object in physics world
//script should be in STEP event
//returns = noone
var target, dir;

target = argument0;

    if instance_exists(target) {
        dir = point_direction(x,y,target.x, target.y);
    else {
   phy_rotation = -(dir-90);    

#4 Re: Script News & Announcements » GameMaker: Studio now on Steam » 2012-11-14 08:10:47

I've upgraded to Steam GMS basic and Pro, but beware:
1. Sometimes (like in my case) you cannot upload your games to Steam Workshop and yoyogames doesnt support, since its a steam version.
2. It is a steam version, and thus you miss out on all the upgrade discounts from yoyogames old licenses.
3. Thus, I've realised that yoyogames only supports truely the licenses you purchase directly from them, which also works on steam.
4. steam lic doesnt work as a yoyogames stand alone application.

Bottom line dont be an idiot like me and buy steam, buy the yoyogames version, and activate it on steam.

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