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#1 Re: Script Submission » draw_sprite_rectangle_ext » 2017-01-20 01:34:20

xot wrote:

Thanks for the submission. Did you see this comment from someone having trouble with your script?

Yes, but I cannot reproduce the problem.

#2 Script Submission » draw_sprite_rectangle_ext » 2017-01-19 03:15:56

Replies: 2

I made an improved version of draw_sprite_rectangle that add support for cases when the rectangle to draw is smaller than the original source 9grid sprite. Also added colour and alpha arguments.
Aditionally, It would be great if the admins can attach an image like this to the description of the script. So, it would be easier to understand.

Please add this script to the script database.


Expand/// draw_sprite_rectangle_ext(sprite,subimg,x1,y1,x2,y2,left,top,right,bottom, colour, alpha)
//  Draws a rectangle using a sprite sliced into 9 sections.
//  The 3x3 sections are used to draw the four corners, the
//  four edges, and the center of the rectangle. The center
//  and edge sections are stretched to fill the respective
//  areas of the rectangle.
//      sprite  sprite index
//      subimg  sprite subimage
//      x1,y1   top-left corner of rectangle
//      x2,y2   bottom-right corner of rectangle
//      left    left edge width in pixels
//      top     top edge width in pixels
//      right   right edge width in pixels
//      bottom  bottom edge width in pixels
//      colour  The colour of the sprite (normally c_white)
//      alpha   The opacity/alpha of the sprite (normally 1)
//  Adapted version by: Ciberman (Javier H. Mora)
//        - Added support for cases when the rectangle to draw 
//          is smaller than the source sprite. Also added support
//          for colour and alpha arguments
//  Original script from:
    var spr = argument0,
        img = argument1,
        x1  = argument2,
        y1  = argument3,
        x2  = argument4,
        y2  = argument5,
        l   = argument6,
        t   = argument7,
        r   = argument8,
        b   = argument9,
        col = argument10,
        al  = argument11;

    var sprw = sprite_get_width(spr),
        sprh = sprite_get_height(spr),
        c = sprw - l - r,
        m = sprh - b - t;
    if ( x2-x1-l-r < 0 ) {
        var x3 = x1+(l/(r+l))*(x2-x1);
        var x4 = x3;
    } else {
        var x3 = x1 + l;
        var x4 = x2 - r + 1;
    if ( y2-y1-b-t < 0 ) {
        var y3 = y1+(t/(t+b))*(y2-y1);
        var y4 = y3;
    } else {
        var y3 = y1 + t;
        var y4 = y2 - b + 1;

    var spr_x4 = sprw - r;
    var spr_y4 = sprh - b;
    var sc = max(0,x4 - x3) / c;
    var sm = max(0,y4 - y3) / m;
    var sl = clamp( (x3-x1)/l, 0,1);
    var sr = clamp( (x2-x4)/r, 0,1);
    var st = clamp( (y3-y1)/t, 0,1);
    var sb = clamp( (y2-y4)/b, 0,1);
    // Left / Top
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, 0,0, l, t, x1, y1, sl, st, col, al);
    // Center / Top
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, l,0, c, t, x3, y1, sc,  st,col, al);
    // Right / Top
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, spr_x4,0, r, t, x4, y1, sr, st, col, al);
    // Left / Middle
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, 0, t, l, m, x1, y3, sl, sm, col, al);
    // Center / Middle
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, l, t, c, m, x3, y3, sc,  sm, col, al);
    // Right / Middle
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, spr_x4, t, r, m,x4, y3, sr, sm,col, al);
    // Left / Bottom
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, 0, spr_y4, l, b, x1, y4, sl, sb, col, al);
    // Center / Bottom
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, l, spr_y4, c, b, x3, y4, sc,  sb, col, al);
    // Right / Bottom
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, spr_x4, spr_y4, r, b, x4, y4, sr, sb, col, al);;
    return 0;

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