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Yes. Sorry for the confusion.
Abusing forum power since 1986.
The dimensions of image resources (background and sprites) are now limited to a maximum of 2048 pixels (in both directions, presumably).
Abusing forum power since 1986.
My bug is still unattended. This is quite a bit of a problem, as the bug is not visible and might hit someone without expecting it.
I just saw that your bug was addressed, although you won't like the response as it appears the actual problem was ignored. When I saw the response I contacted Mike and did confirm that they are aware that the problem affects strings in general. Mike says it is turning out to be trickier than they expected to fix due to obfuscation.
Abusing forum power since 1986.
Meh, luckily I looked before I reopened the bug -.-.
Well at least they are aware that the bug is there . I would just like to know what exactly is affected, a simple script to replace all "\\" by "\" placed over all literal strings seems to work..
But what about constants? And are other functions affected, reading from files? When strings are "in memory" they seem to be handled correctly, the strings won't change anymore.
Below is a script which should hence be called over all literal strings.
return string_replace("\\","\")
project merging
In other news, I'm working on a GMK split, merge tool. I was decently far before I realized boost::property_tree::ptree doesn't handle different properties with the same id very well. So a read-write cycle breaks a lot of things. (Though this showed up only after I added code for merging). Seems like I have to find a good XML library, am now looking into rapidXML (xerces refuses to load project files as they aren't correctly formatted xml files).
The goal of this would be to have a (command line) application to split and merge, with control over which "branches" to exclude.
I'm wondering if such a tool should "merge" resources (objects, rooms) - or just pick on of the two?
Last edited by paul23 (2011-09-30 19:50:26)
Has anyone tried to break the saving method by putting tags in their code?
You won't break with that:P
the < & > signs are converted to "<" and ">" respectivelly. - Ow and to let that work, the "&" sign is converted to "&"
Btw, bbox_ variables are fixed with the next update (which will be released on monday)
Mike got me very excited for a release on Friday. I thought my weekend was set. When I saw there wouldn't be a release I was crushed.
The update hopefully fixes a bug with resource ids getting mixed-up when imported projects are saved. That's what had me excited. I want to port some games and this bug is killing me. I'm also very curious to see how powerful the new Javascript debugger is. These two things should speed up testing and get a lot more games posted online.
Abusing forum power since 1986.
When asked bout the next release
Sorry, we tried to get one out on Friday, but hit a showstopper. I've been working through the weekend to try and fix it. We hope to get it out today as long as we can fix one final issue.....
On the plus side...I've managed to sneak in a cool new feature while waiting working on it :biggrin:
'Mike.Dailly' date='03 October 2011 - 09:32 AM' timestamp='1317630731' post='3840888'
Indeed, and the work this weekend was substantial. 1.0.127 is now out, which is nearly ten point revisions since the previous 1.0.118 release. There are many new fixes and features. Russell says 87 issues have been fixed or addressed.
One of the most interesting new features is a new debugger for HTML5. I haven't had the opportunity to try the debugger yet but will shortly. Mike suggests that the Chrome and IE versions are in someway superior. I'm curious to discover what that means.
One of the big fixes is with importation of old projects. Resource ids referenced by actions no longer appear to be getting scrambled on save. That should greatly enhance the pace at which bugs are found and HTML5 projects are posted. I can't express how pleased I am with this fix.
Another big change is the addition of 300 stub functions for things that aren't properly supported by HTML5. Attempting to compile these functions for HTML5 should give clear warnings now, if I understand it correctly.
A small change that will make little boys cry is the imminent removal of the divisive "Treat uninitialized variables as 0" feature. It is not supported in HTML5 and it will be removed completely in the future.
Abusing forum power since 1986.
An a new version is out:
Version 1.0.127
We have added unobfuscated code output when run in debug mode.This will allow you to debug your code inside the browser.
While we fixed a bug to do with sprite indices not being imported correctly rom a GM81/GMK, you will have to reimport them for the fix to work - sorry.
There is a new command, surface_create_ext() command, which allows you to bind to another canvas on the main webpage. You can then draw to this directly in your game. (HTML5 only)
You can also now bind a view directly to a surface using the new view_surface_id[0..7] variable. This is -1 by default to indicate the primary canvas. (HTML5 only for now)
Fixed bugs
0002593 Freaks out if project files scanned
0002550 When clicking "Import GM81", the open file dialog defaults to .GMZ files
0001836 "Maintain origin" for sprite resizing can sometimes be a pixel off
0002571 Pressing 'c' to highlight object instances while on 'settings' tab causes caption overwrite
0002569 Empty group/folder becomes first item in resource tree on project load
0002477 point_direction() using "other" inside of nested "with" statements crashes the game
0002340 a = 0.00001 freeze the game
0002557 Add an option that forces the "Player" to load the game data again.
0002578 tile_set_region freezes game loading in HTML5
0002572 Comment before DTD declaration will cause IE to render in quirks mode (index.htm
0002321 When compiling a converted GM8.1 file to HTML5 game,asset compiler crashes and gives no warnings or errors
0002331 Importing games and getting "failed to run the game"
0002425 Importing GM 8.1 games messes up script Ids
0002531 mouse_button doesn't work
0002490 Deactivated instances still perform collisions
0002320 script_execute does not function, or on stops loading from completing
0002224 Run normally or Run in Debug Mode
0002529 Loading this project causes a stack overflow crash
0002514 Room Properties - form inputs do not lose focus when switching tabs
0002526 patible header in generated HTML
0002528 Sprites larger than 1024x1024 are blurred
0002516 Problem Importing Fonts
0002495 When renaming a ressource (sprite, object ,...) cycle through all scrupts to rename the ressource there too (if found)
0002504 F5 run cached in browser.
0002515 Game Identification number does not save when exiting project and reloading.
0002519 <resource>_get_*() functions cause the game to freeze
0002524 Check the "center in the browser" option has no effect in the final HTML 5 compiled game
0002521 default index.html file causes IE 9 to not run game
0002498 Trying to fullscreen the game in HTML5 will result in CRASH *file inside*
0002402 Referencing BBOX variables causes crash in HTML5
0002262 bbox variables are underfined in HTML5 output
0002280 instance_count is always 0
0002448 cannot use keyboard_check(vk_nokey) or vk_anykey
0002435 when I add a large Background (500x1200) the screen shows blank
0002375 Display Cursor
0002486 Reversing an animation in the sprite editor sets its origin to (0,0)
0002469 Debug Mode is always active for HTML5 projects
0002484 Breakpoints / Line by Line Debugging
0002338 Compile errors are hard to read when "Use skin" is off
0002345 In the path editor the precision setting does not work.
0002311 IDE errors after opening script
0002299 Missing letter on Change Instance option
0002378 Conpiles but does not run
0002291 A wish and a bug report!
0001803 Project directory selection: new directory or cancel have issues
0002149 The "CompileForm" close-button is cut-off and the "CompileForm" is an overlay and doesn't resize the active window
0002353 Naming a room with spaces is not accepted in gmhtml5 eg: level 01. Windows mode accepts it
0002383 Saving does not remove the asterisk
Addressed issues
0002447 The "X" to close GM:HTML5 flashes and doesn't always get pressed
0002551 Principal Form does not maximize
0002468 Import files-of-type box changes
0002209 First room affects canvas size for entire game
0002552 Functions not allowed still in HTML5
0002574 When running game on iPad2 fps are extremely slow!
0002583 No sound_pan() ?
0002570 make_color_hsv() returns dull colors
0002562 Obfuscate Javascript Extensions
0002545 gravity_direction and image_angle not capped like direction is
0002540 Mono sounds are played unreasonably loud
0002501 Only load particles if needed.
0002479 screen_redraw() seems to crash the game
0002389 Objects with same depth are drawn in wrong order
0002533 GM editing window flashes up when closing welcome screen with the X
0002285 Arguments passed to extensions are escaped
0002364 Mouse movement increases performance?
0002532 This game crashes a Chrome tab for some reason
0002489 Version 1.0.118 seems to have destroied something about movement, propably even the round() function
0002518 completed help file...
0002506 Draw_sprite_part not working
0002454 "draw_rectangle_color" dont werck
0002427 Background not appearing in HTML5
0002354 Allow to remove a entry from the "Recent Files" list
0002474 Resource names not quite right
0002163 GameMaker-HTML5 1.0 Help didn't open
0002046 Opening sub windows from within property windows may cause thick white border to appear
0001936 Problem with maximizing window
0002227 No importing of gmz files possible (IDE feature).
0002233 UI: Some dialog box elements are not skinned when skin is used
0002185 YoYo Games logo on the bottom left has black background when skinless
0002324 Action tabs are unlabeled when "Use skin" is off
0002128 Show information on timeline
0002092 Empty tabs
0002353 Naming a room with spaces is not accepted in gmhtml5 eg: level 01. Windows mode accepts it
0002466 Select browser to run game in from available browsers
0002414 Background scrolling seems "jumpy" since last GM update
0002322 Text is always white in Google Chrome
0002480 Boolean expressions are not read in the correct order?
Well, the big one for me was
0002378 Conpiles but does not run
with my pacman tutorial.
Now it compiles and runs improperly, which is a little better.
The problems start to show in the player movements file. Showing there is some slight discrepancies between Windows and Java somewhere causing a lot of trouble. And it looks like this problem is located in very basic features. One or more of the 5 functions involved must have a flaw somewhere.
*just wrote a bunch of bs*
Last edited by BlaXun (2011-10-04 07:41:50)
Please don't.... Just because tickets are unassinged doesn't mean we don't see and read them. I spend hours shifting through them, and really don't want them doubled up...
Sry for that, post edited. Is there any better way to let you know? Or simply trust in you and your team? Sry mike, seriously.
Last edited by BlaXun (2011-10-04 08:22:36)
We try to fix show stoppers first, then try and pick off the simple ones next. outside that it's whatever bit of code we're currently in as that's where our "thinking" is at. If you are truly "stumped" and can't progress, then adding a comment to the bug bumps it up the list and it'll get reviewed again (as we tend to go by the one line description for picking whats next).
Worst case, ping us on twitter (@mdf200 , @russellkay) if you need help "now". We can't promise immediate action, but we do try to help when it's possible.
Thx a lot. You guys are doing a great job and got my respect. I musn't have thought it through when I wrote that stupid post of mine.... seems that the new GM4HTML5 triggerd my imamture impatient side ^^, sry
Oh, and please fix tilesets / tiles...they are shown with messed up lines between tiles in rooms...
Hi Mike! Welcome to the forums. I got super-excited when I saw this.
Finally!! Fixed the stupid "\\" being added to text in HTML5! Sorry it took so long. debugging the text encoding was a nightmare! done now :)
Now if I could only fix my forum's problem with \\.
Abusing forum power since 1986.
Yeah... took longer than it should have. The issue was a combination of having to write out "\" to text file (so the javascript had them), and parsing them once they were in memory and gone, AND the fact that the debuggers show them always... even if they aren't there. Messes with your head.
@BlaXun I presume you mean when you zoom to full screen or something, as they don't appear 1:1...?
Yeah, thats it. 1:1 seems just fine...but whenever it is not 1:1 (zoom, view, ...) it displays lines between tiles.