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#1 2016-01-23 21:24:51

Registered: 2015-10-01
Posts: 45


Expand/// hmac_sha1( key, string )
//  Implementation of the HMAC algorithm using the SHA1 hash function.
//  This algorithm is typically used for web authorisation, especially
//  when using the OAuth standard.
//      key          encryption key, string
//      string       plaintext to encrypt, string

    var key = argument0;
    var str = argument1;
    //Create reference string for decimal hex value look-up (because of GM's
    //silly string indexing, this reference returns N+1)
    var hexRef = "0123456789abcdef";
    //Create buffers to hold our data. We use buffers rather than strings because
    //0x00 - the NULL character in ASCII - typically terminates a string and may
    //cause weirdness.
    var buf_key      = buffer_create( 64, buffer_fixed, 1 );
    //64-bytes of padding and then enough room for the string
    var buf_innerPad = buffer_create( 64 + string_length( str ), buffer_fixed, 1 );
    //NB - Using 84 here - SHA1 returns 20 bytes of data and we append that to
    //64-bytes of padding
    var buf_outerPad = buffer_create( 84, buffer_fixed, 1 );
    if ( string_length( key ) > 64 ) {
        //If the key is longer than SHA1's block size, we hash the key and use
        //that instead.
        var sha = sha1_string_utf8( key );
        //Since SHA1 returns a hex *string*, we need to turn that into 8-bit bytes.
        for( var n = 1; n <= 40; n += 2 ) buffer_write( buf_key, buffer_u8,
            string_pos( string_char_at( sha, n+1 ), hexRef )
        + ( string_pos( string_char_at( sha, n ), hexRef ) * 16 ) - 17 );
    } else {
        //If the key is smaller than SHA1's block size, just use the key. Since
        //we're in a 64 byte buffer, it automatically pads with 0x00
        buffer_write( buf_key, buffer_text, key );
    for( var n = 0; n < 64; n++ ) {
        var keyVal = buffer_peek( buf_key, n, buffer_u8 );
        //Bitwise XOR between the inner/outer padding and the key
        buffer_poke( buf_innerPad, n, buffer_u8, $36 ^ keyVal );
        buffer_poke( buf_outerPad, n, buffer_u8, $5C ^ keyVal );
    //Seek to the end of the padding  for both the inner and outer pads
    buffer_seek( buf_innerPad, buffer_seek_start, 64 );
    buffer_seek( buf_outerPad, buffer_seek_start, 64 );
    //Append the string to encrypt
    buffer_write( buf_innerPad, buffer_text, str );
    //Apply SHA1 to (innerPad + string)
    var sha = buffer_sha1( buf_innerPad, 0, buffer_tell( buf_innerPad ) );
    //Turn the SHA1 output into bytes and append this to the outer pad
    for( var n = 1; n <= 40; n += 2 ) buffer_write( buf_outerPad, buffer_u8,
        string_pos( string_char_at( sha, n+1 ), hexRef )
    + ( string_pos( string_char_at( sha, n ), hexRef ) * 16 ) - 17 );
    //Apply SHA1 to (outerPad + result)
    var result = buffer_sha1( buf_outerPad, 0, buffer_tell( buf_outerPad ) );
    buffer_delete( buf_key );
    buffer_delete( buf_innerPad );
    buffer_delete( buf_outerPad );
    return result;


#2 2016-01-30 19:55:48

Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1,240


Nice. Thanks for this, Juju.

Abusing forum power since 1986.


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