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#1 2015-12-02 18:21:02

Registered: 2015-10-01
Posts: 45


Expand///path_create_smoothed( path, detail, tightness )
//  Creates a new path based on an existing path, smoothed using Catmull-Rom interpolation.
//  !!! Dependent on the script spline4(), available here:
//  argument0: Basis path.
//  argument1: How detailed the output smoothed path is. Lower values are smoother.
//  argument2: How closely the new path follows the old path.
//             A value of 1 will return a path the follows the original with tight corners, a value of 0 will return a path with gentler corners.
//  return   : If successful, the ID of the new path (return >= 0). If unsuccessful, returns "noone" (return = -4).

var path, detail, tightness, newClosed, closed, points, limit;
var x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3, i, iLoop;
var t, xx, yy, Ox, Oy;

path = argument0;
detail = argument1;
tightness = argument2;
newClosed = argument3;

points = path_get_number( pth_test );

if ( points < 3 ) {
    show_debug_message( "path_create_smoothed: too few points (" + string( points ) + ")! path=" + string( path ) );
    return noone;

closed = path_get_closed( pth_test );

newPath = path_add();

if ( detail <= 0 ) detail = 0.1;
detail = min( 1, detail );
tightness = clamp( tightness, 0, 1 );

if ( closed ) {
    x1 = path_get_point_x( pth_test, 0 );
    y1 = path_get_point_y( pth_test, 0 );
    x2 = path_get_point_x( pth_test, 1 );
    y2 = path_get_point_y( pth_test, 1 );
    x3 = path_get_point_x( pth_test, 2 );
    y3 = path_get_point_y( pth_test, 2 );
    for( i = 0; i < points; i++ ) {
        iLoop = ( i + 3 ) mod points;
        x0 = x1; y0 = y1;
        x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
        x2 = x3; y2 = y3;
        x3 = path_get_point_x( pth_test, iLoop );
        y3 = path_get_point_y( pth_test, iLoop );
        for( t = 0; t < 1; t += detail ) {
            xx = spline4( t, x0, x1, x2, x3 );
            yy = spline4( t, y0, y1, y2, y3 );
            Ox = lerp( x1, x2, t );
            Oy = lerp( y1, y2, t );
            xx = lerp( xx, Ox, tightness );
            yy = lerp( yy, Oy, tightness );
            path_add_point( newPath, xx, yy, lerp( path_get_point_speed( path, i ), path_get_point_speed( path, ( i + 1 ) mod points ), t ) );
    path_set_closed( newPath, true );
} else {
    x1 = path_get_point_x( pth_test, 0 );
    y1 = path_get_point_y( pth_test, 0 );
    x2 = path_get_point_x( pth_test, 0 );
    y2 = path_get_point_y( pth_test, 0 );
    x3 = path_get_point_x( pth_test, 1 );
    y3 = path_get_point_y( pth_test, 1 );
    for( i = 0; i < points - 1; i++ ) {
        iLoop = min( points - 1, i + 2 );
        x0 = x1; y0 = y1;
        x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
        x2 = x3; y2 = y3;
        x3 = path_get_point_x( pth_test, iLoop );
        y3 = path_get_point_y( pth_test, iLoop );
        for( t = 0; t < 1; t += detail ) {
            xx = spline4( t, x0, x1, x2, x3 );
            yy = spline4( t, y0, y1, y2, y3 );
            Ox = lerp( x1, x2, t );
            Oy = lerp( y1, y2, t );
            xx = lerp( xx, Ox, tightness );
            yy = lerp( yy, Oy, tightness );
            path_add_point( newPath, xx, yy, lerp( path_get_point_speed( path, i ), path_get_point_speed( path, i + 1 ), t ) );
    path_add_point( newPath, path_get_point_x( path, points - 1 ), path_get_point_y( path, points - 1 ), path_get_point_speed( path, points - 1 ) );
    path_set_closed( newPath, false );

return newPath;

Sometimes GM's in-built curved path system just isn't up to scratch. The curves tend not to intersect path points and it's slow to analyse curved paths because of their unpredictable motion. This precludes some of the more interesting uses of paths. This script takes an already existing path and runs each line segment through Catmull-Rom interpolation to create lovely sweeping curves. A smooth path speed is maintained throughout with some simple lerping and there's an added tightness parameter to control just how much liberty the interpolation takes when creating a new path.

Made in conjunction with nearest_point_on_path(). Example of implementation here.

Edit: Made a major fix to non-closed path handling.

Last edited by Juju (2015-12-02 18:37:48)


#2 2015-12-05 01:38:41

Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1,240

Re: path_create_smoothed

Neat! Very nice idea to turn GM's paths into Catmull-Rom splines. I never would have thought to try this.

Abusing forum power since 1986.


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