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#1 2016-10-23 07:56:11

Registered: 2016-10-23
Posts: 3

Seamless Room Wrapping

Scripts for seamless room wrapping in Gamemaker using multiple views. Set up view[0] in your room as you normally would. When the view collides with the edge of the room it will split into multiple views each showing one side of the room. A player can walk in one direction until they come back to where they started with no concept of the edge of the room. Supports different view/port dimensions and dynamic changes to view[0] will apply to the rest of the views as they resize to view[0]'s dimensions each frame. Doesn't support rotating views and looks weird if the view is bigger than the room.

Gamemaker Project:
Above project uses a camera object that follows the player. The view gets bigger the faster the camera object moves. You can toggle between x axis wrapping only, y axis wrapping only and wrapping both axis with the 1, 2 & 3 keys respectively.

Simple version with basic movement mechanics and no view stretching:


These scripts centre the view on the object calling them. The relevent script should be called in the step event of the object that the view is following (eg. the player).

scr_place_meeting_xwrap(x, y, collision_object)/scr_place_meeting_ywrap(x, y,
collision_object)/scr_place_meeting_xywrap(x, y, collision_object)
Use instead of place_meeting() in your code.

Checks for collisions and moves the calling object based on its 'hsp' and 'vsp' variables. (modified from Shaun Spaulding's platformer tutorial)

Call this script in the draw event of moving objects. Draws the object's sprite as it would normally appear when wrapping over the edge of the room.

X Axis


Expand    ///scr_camera_xwrap()
    view_xview[0] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
    view_yview[0] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
    if (x < view_wview[0]/2) // the view is colliding with the left edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_xview[1] = room_width - view_wview[0]/2 + x; 
        view_yview[1] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]/2 - x; 
        view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]; 
        view_xport[1] = 0; 
        view_yport[1] = 0; 
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0]; 
        view_xview[2] = 0; 
        view_yview[2] = y - view_hview[0]/2; 
        view_wview[2] = x + view_wview[0]/2; 
        view_hview[2] = view_hview[0];
        view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
        view_yport[2] = 0;
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2]; 
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0]; 
    else if (x + view_wview[0]/2 > room_width) // the view is colliding with the right edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_xview[1] = x - view_wview[0]/2; 
        view_yview[1] = y - view_hview[0]/2; 
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]/2 + room_width - x; 
        view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]; 
        view_xport[1] = 0; 
        view_yport[1] = 0; 
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0]; 
        view_xview[2] = 0; 
        view_yview[2] = y - view_hview[0]/2; 
        view_wview[2] = view_wview[0]/2 + x - room_width; 
        view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]; 
        view_xport[2] = view_wport[1]; 
        view_yport[2] = 0; 
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0];  
    else // the view is not colliding with the edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = true;
        view_visible[1] = false;
        view_visible[2] = false;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;

scr_place_meeting_xwrap(x, y, collision_object)

Expand    ///scr_place_meeting_xwrap(x, y, collision_object)
    var _xwrap = argument0 + bbox_left - x < 0 || argument0 + bbox_right - x + 1> room_width;
    return place_meeting(argument0,argument1,argument2) || (_xwrap && place_meeting(argument0 - sign argument0 - room_width/2) * room_width, argument1, argument2));


Expand    ///scr_collide_move_xwrap(collision_object)
    if scr_place_meeting_xwrap(x+hsp,y,argument0)
        while !scr_place_meeting_xwrap(x+sign(hsp),y,argument0)
            x += sign(hsp);
        hsp = 0;
        x += hsp;
    if (x < 0 || x > room_width)
        x -= sign(x - room_width/2) * room_width;
    if scr_place_meeting_xwrap(x, y + vsp, argument0)
        while !scr_place_meeting_xwrap(x,y+sign(vsp),argument0)
            y += sign(vsp);
        vsp = 0;
        y += vsp;


Expand    ///scr_draw_xwrap()
    if (x - sprite_width < 0 || x + sprite_width > room_width)
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x-sign(x-room_width/2)*room_width, y, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);

Y Axis


Expand    ///scr_camera_ywrap()
    view_xview[0] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
    view_yview[0] = y - view_hview[0]/2;

    if (y < view_hview[0]/2) // the view is colliding with the top edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_yview[1] = room_height - view_hview[0]/2 + y; 
        view_xview[1] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
        view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]/2 - y; 
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]; 
        view_yport[1] = 0view_xport[1] = 0;
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0];
        view_yview[2] = 0; 
        view_xview[2] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
        view_hview[2] = y + view_hview[0]/2; 
        view_wview[2] = view_wview[0];
        view_yport[2] = view_hport[1]; 
        view_xport[2] = 0;
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2]; 
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0];   
    else if (y + view_hview[0]/2 > room_height)  // the view is colliding with the bottom edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_xview[1] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
        view_yview[1] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0];
        view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]/2 + room_height - y;
        view_xport[1] = 0;
        view_yport[1] = 0;
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
        view_xview[2] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
        view_yview[2] = 0;
        view_wview[2] = view_wview[0];
        view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]/2 + y - room_height;
        view_xport[2] = 0;
        view_yport[2] = view_hport[1];
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
    else // the view is not colliding with the edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = true;
        view_visible[1] = false;
        view_visible[2] = false;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;

scr_place_meeting_ywrap(x, y, collision_object)

Expand    ///scr_place_meeting_ywrap(x, y, collision_object)
    var ywrap = argument1 + bbox_top - y < 0 || argument1 + bbox_bottom - y + 1> room_height;
    return place_meeting(argument0,argument1,argument2) || ywrap && place_meeting(argument0, argument1 - sign(argument1 - room_height/2) * room_height, argument2);


Expand    ///scr_collide_move_ywrap(collision_object)
    if scr_place_meeting_ywrap(x+hsp,y,argument0)
        while !scr_place_meeting_ywrap(x+sign(hsp),y,argument0)
            x += sign(hsp);
        hsp = 0;
        x += hsp;
    if scr_place_meeting_ywrap(x, y + vsp, argument0)
        while !scr_place_meeting_ywrap(x,y+sign(vsp),argument0)
            y += sign(vsp);
        vsp = 0;
        y += vsp;
    if (y < 0 || y > room_height)
        y -= sign(y - room_height/2) * room_height;


Expand    ///scr_draw_ywrap()
    if (y - sprite_height < 0 || y + sprite_height > room_height)
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x, y -sign(y-room_height/2)*room_height, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);

X & Y Axis


Expand    ///scr_camera_xywrap()
    view_xview[0] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
    view_yview[0] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
    if (x < view_wview[0]/2) // the view is colliding with the left edge of the room
        if (y < view_hview[0]/2) // the view is colliding with the top left corner of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = true;
            view_visible[4] = true;
            view_xview[1] = room_width + x - view_wview[0]/2;
            view_yview[1] = room_height + y - view_hview[0]/2;
            view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]/2 - x;
            view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]/2 - y;
            view_xport[1] = 0;
            view_yport[1] = 0;
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1]; 
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
            view_xview[2] = 0;
            view_yview[2] = room_height + y - view_hview[0]/2;
            view_wview[2] = view_wview[0]/2 + x;
            view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]/2 - y;
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2]; 
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
            view_xview[3] = room_width + x - view_wview[0]/2;
            view_yview[3] = 0;
            view_wview[3] = view_wview[0]/2 - x;
            view_hview[3] = y + view_hview[0]/2;
            view_xport[3] = 0;
            view_yport[3] = view_hport[1];
            view_wport[3] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[3];
            view_hport[3] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[3];
            view_xview[4] = 0;
            view_yview[4] = 0;
            view_wview[4] = x + view_wview[0]/2;
            view_hview[4] = y + view_hview[0]/2;
            view_xport[4] = view_wport[3];
            view_yport[4] = view_hport[2];
            view_wport[4] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[4];
            view_hport[4] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[4];
        else if (y + view_hview[0]/2 > room_height) // the view is colliding with the bottom left corner of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = true;
            view_visible[4] = true;
            view_xview[1] = x - view_wview[0]/2 + room_width;
            view_yview[1] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
            view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]/2 - x;
            view_hview[1] = room_height - y + view_hview[0]/2;
            view_xport[1] = 0;
            view_yport[1] = 0;
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
            view_xview[2] = 0;
            view_yview[2] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
            view_wview[2] = x + view_wview[0]/2;
            view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]/2 + room_height - y;
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
            view_xview[3] = x - view_wview[0]/2 + room_width;
            view_yview[3] = 0;
            view_wview[3] = view_wview[0]/2 - x;
            view_hview[3] = y + view_hview[0]/2 - room_height;
            view_xport[3] = 0;
            view_yport[3] = view_hport[1];
            view_wport[3] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[3];
            view_hport[3] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[3];
            view_xview[4] = 0;
            view_yview[4] = 0;
            view_wview[4] = x + view_wview[0]/2;
            view_hview[4] = y + view_hview[0]/2 - room_height;
            view_xport[4] = view_wport[3];
            view_yport[4] = view_hport[2];
            view_wport[4] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[4];
            view_hport[4] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[4];
        else  // the view is colliding with the left edge of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = false;
            view_visible[4] = false;
            view_xview[1] = room_width - view_wview[0]/2 + x; 
            view_yview[1] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
            view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]/2 - x; 
            view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]; 
            view_xport[1] = 0; 
            view_yport[1] = 0; 
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0]; 
            view_xview[2] = 0; 
            view_yview[2] = y - view_hview[0]/2; 
            view_wview[2] = x + view_wview[0]/2; 
            view_hview[2] = view_hview[0];
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2]; 
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0]; 
    else if (x + view_wview[0]/2 > room_width) // the view is colliding with the rigth edge of the room
        if (y < view_hview[0]/2) // the view is colliding with the top rigth edge of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = true;
            view_visible[4] = true;
            view_xview[1] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
            view_yview[1] = room_height + y - view_hview[0]/2;
            view_wview[1] = room_width - x + view_wview[0]/2;
            view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]/2 - y;
            view_xport[1] = 0;
            view_yport[1] = 0;
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
            view_xview[2] = 0;
            view_yview[2] = room_height + y - view_hview[0]/2;
            view_wview[2] = x + view_wview[0]/2 - room_width;
            view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]/2 - y;
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
            view_xview[3] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
            view_yview[3] = 0;
            view_wview[3] = view_wview[0]/2 + room_width - x;
            view_hview[3] = y + view_hview[0]/2;
            view_xport[3] = 0;
            view_yport[3] = view_hport[1];
            view_wport[3] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[3];
            view_hport[3] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[3];
            view_xview[4] = 0;
            view_yview[4] = 0;
            view_wview[4] = x + view_wview[0]/2 - room_width;
            view_hview[4] = y + view_hview[0]/2
            view_xport[4] = view_wport[3];
            view_yport[4] = view_hport[2];
            view_wport[4] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[4];
            view_hport[4] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[4];
        else if (y + view_hview[0]/2 > room_height) // the view is colliding with the bottom right edge of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = true;
            view_visible[4] = true;
            view_xview[1] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
            view_yview[1] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
            view_wview[1] = room_width - x + view_wview[0]/2;
            view_hview[1] = room_height - y + view_hview[0]/2;
            view_xport[1] = 0;
            view_yport[1] = 0;
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
            view_xview[2] = 0;
            view_yview[2] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
            view_wview[2] = x + view_wview[0]/2 - room_width;
            view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]/2 + room_height - y;
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
            view_xview[3] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
            view_yview[3] = 0;
            view_wview[3] = room_width - x + view_wview[0]/2;
            view_hview[3] = y + view_hview[0]/2 - room_height;
            view_xport[3] = 0;
            view_yport[3] = view_hport[1];
            view_wport[3] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[3];
            view_hport[3] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[3];
            view_xview[4] = 0;
            view_yview[4] = 0;
            view_wview[4] = x + view_wview[0]/2 - room_width;
            view_hview[4] = y + view_hview[0]/2 - room_height;
            view_xport[4] = view_wport[3];
            view_yport[4] = view_hport[2];
            view_wport[4] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[4];
            view_hport[4] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[4];   
        else // the view is colliding with the right edge of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = false;
            view_visible[4] = false;
            view_xview[1] = x - view_wview[0]/2; 
            view_yview[1] = y - view_hview[0]/2; 
            view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]/2 + room_width - x; 
            view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]; 
            view_xport[1] = 0; 
            view_yport[1] = 0; 
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0]; 
            view_xview[2] = 0; 
            view_yview[2] = y - view_hview[0]/2; 
            view_wview[2] = view_wview[0]/2 + x - room_width; 
            view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]; 
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1]; 
            view_yport[2] = 0; 
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0];    
    else if (y < view_hview[0]/2) // the view is colliding with the top edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_yview[1] = room_height - view_hview[0]/2 + y; 
        view_xview[1] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
        view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]/2 - y; 
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]; 
        view_yport[1] = 0;
        view_xport[1] = 0;
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0];
        view_yview[2] = 0; 
        view_xview[2] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
        view_hview[2] = y + view_hview[0]/2; 
        view_wview[2] = view_wview[0];
        view_yport[2] = view_hport[1]; 
        view_xport[2] = 0;
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2]; 
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0];   
    else if (y + view_hview[0]/2 > room_height) // the view is colliding with the bottom edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_xview[1] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
        view_yview[1] = y - view_hview[0]/2;
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0];
        view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]/2 + room_height - y;
        view_xport[1] = 0;
        view_yport[1] = 0;
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
        view_xview[2] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
        view_yview[2] = 0;
        view_wview[2] = view_wview[0];
        view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]/2 + y - room_height;
        view_xport[2] = 0;
        view_yport[2] = view_hport[1];
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
        view_visible[0] = true;
        view_visible[1] = false;
        view_visible[2] = false;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;

scr_place_meeting_xywrap(x, y, collision_object)

Expand    ///scr_place_meeting_xywrap(x, y, collision_object)
    var xwrap = argument0 + bbox_left - x < 0 || argument0 + bbox_right - x + 1> room_width;
    var ywrap = argument1 + bbox_top - y < 0 || argument1 + bbox_bottom - y + 1> room_height;
    return (place_meeting(argument0,argument1,argument2) || (xwrap && place_meeting(argument0 - sign(argument0 - room_width/2) * room_width, argument1, argument2)) || (ywrap && place_meeting(argument0, argument1 - sign(argument1 - room_height/2) * room_height, argument2)) || ((xwrap && ywrap) && place_meeting(argument0 -sign(argument0-room_width/2)*room_width, argument1-sign(argument1-room_height/2)*room_height, argument2)));


Expand    ///scr_collide_move_xywrap(collision_object)
    if scr_place_meeting_xywrap(x+hsp,y,argument0)
        while !scr_place_meeting_xywrap(x+sign(hsp),y,argument0)
            x += sign(hsp);
        hsp = 0;
        x += hsp;
    if (x < 0 || x > room_width)
        x -= sign(x - room_width/2) * room_width;
    if scr_place_meeting_xywrap(x, y + vsp, argument0)
        while !scr_place_meeting_xywrap(x,y+sign(vsp),argument0)
            y += sign(vsp);
        vsp = 0;
        y += vsp;
    if (y < 0 || y > room_height)
        y -= sign(y - room_height/2) * room_height;


Expand    ///scr_draw_xywrap()
    xwrap = x - sprite_width < 0 || x + sprite_width > room_width,
    ywrap = y - sprite_height < 0 || y + sprite_height > room_height;
    if xwrap
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x-sign(x-room_width/2)*room_width, y, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);
    if ywrap
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x, y -sign(y-room_height/2)*room_height, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);
    if xwrap && ywrap
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x-sign(y-room_width/2)*room_width, y -sign(y-room_height/2)*room_height, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);

Last edited by bobsmojo (2016-10-27 10:21:07)

If guns don't kill people, people kill people. Does that means toasters don't toast toast, toast toasts toast?


#2 2016-10-24 07:37:37

Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1,240

Re: Seamless Room Wrapping

Welcome to the forums, bobsmojo.

This is an interesting solution to the wrap-around problem. I've never seen this approach before. I've taken the liberty of slightly reformatting your post to make all the scripts easier to identify and read but I've tried not to make any changes to the scripts themselves or the content of your post.

Thanks for the submission.

Abusing forum power since 1986.


#3 2016-10-26 07:27:37

Registered: 2016-10-23
Posts: 3

Re: Seamless Room Wrapping

Thanks xot. I also updated it with a download link to a gamemaker project using all three wrapping types. I've also been playing around with an astroids style game with gravity in the centre using the xywrap scripts. Makes for some interesting orbits smile


If guns don't kill people, people kill people. Does that means toasters don't toast toast, toast toasts toast?


#4 2016-10-27 04:01:24

Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1,240

Re: Seamless Room Wrapping

Great! This is a relatively complex system and I didn't want to ask you to go to the trouble of making an example but I'm so pleased you did.

Abusing forum power since 1986.


#5 2016-10-27 07:27:11

Registered: 2016-10-23
Posts: 3

Re: Seamless Room Wrapping

I made a couple changes...

edited all the scripts to match the style guide and added a couple more useful functions.
changed the camera functions to take x and y coordinates instead of just using the object's x and y.
changed every '/2' with '*0.5'. I read somewhere this is faster?
updated the download link to the new project.


Expand/// point_direction_xwrap(x1,y1,x2,y2)
//  real
//  returns the direction of the  shortest route from
//  point (x1,y1) to point (x2,y2) with room wrapping
//  along the x axis only.
    var x1, y1, x2, y2, xwr;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    x2 = argument2;
    y2 = argument3;
    xwr = (x2 - x1 > 0.5 * room_width) - (x1 - x2 > 0.5 * room_width);
    return point_direction(x1+xwr*room_width,y1,x2,y2);
Expand/// point_direction_ywrap(x1,y1,x2,y2)
//  real
//  returns the direction of the  shortest route from
//  point (x1,y1) to point (x2,y2) with room wrapping
//  along the y axis only.
    var x1, y1, x2, y2, ywr;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    x2 = argument2;
    y2 = argument3;
    ywr = (y2 - y1 > 0.5 * room_height) - (y1 - y2 > 0.5 * room_height);
    return point_direction(x1,y1+ywr*room_height,x2,y2);
Expand/// point_direction_xwrap(x1,y1,x2,y2)
//  real
//  returns the direction of the  shortest route from
//  point (x1,y1) to point (x2,y2) with room wrapping
//  along the x and y axis.
    var x1, y1, x2, y2, xwr, ywr;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    x2 = argument2;
    y2 = argument3;
    xwr = (x2 - x1 > 0.5 * room_width) - (x1 - x2 > 0.5 * room_width);
    ywr = (y2 - y1 > 0.5 * room_height) - (y1 - y2 > 0.5 * room_height);
    return point_direction(x1+xwr*room_width,y1+ywr*room_height,x2,y2);


Expand/// point_distance_xwrap(x1,y1,x2,y2)
//  real
//  returns the shortest distance between two points 
//  (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) with room wrapping along the
//  x axis only.
    var x1, y1, x2, y2, xwr;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    x2 = argument2;
    y2 = argument3;
    xwr = (x2 - x1 > 0.5 * room_width) - (x1 - x2 > 0.5 * room_width);
    return point_distance(x1+xwr*room_width,y1,x2,y2);
Expand/// point_distance_ywrap(x1,y1,x2,y2)
//  real
//  returns the shortest distance between two points 
//  (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) with room wrapping along the
//  y axis only.
    var x1, y1, x2, y2, ywr;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    x2 = argument2;
    y2 = argument3;
    ywr = (y2 - y1 > 0.5 * room_height) - (y1 - y2 > 0.5 * room_height);
    return point_distance(x1,y1+ywr*room_height,x2,y2);
Expand/// point_distance_xywrap(x1,y1,x2,y2)
//  real
//  returns the shortest distance between two points 
//  (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) with room wrapping along the
//  x and y axis.
    var x1, y1, x2, y2, xwr, ywr;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    x2 = argument2;
    y2 = argument3;
    xwr = (x2 - x1 > 0.5 * room_width) - (x1 - x2 > 0.5 * room_width);
    ywr = (y2 - y1 > 0.5 * room_height) - (y1 - y2 > 0.5 * room_height);
    return point_distance(x1+xwr*room_width,y1+ywr*room_height,x2,y2);


Expand/// move_xwrap(hsp,vsp) 
//  void
//  moves object by amount. wraps horizontally.
    var hsp, vsp;
    hsp = argument0;
    vsp = argument1;
    x += hsp;
    if (x < 0 || x > room_width)
        x -= sign(x - 0.5*room_width) * room_width;
    y += vsp;
Expand/// move_ywrap(hsp,vsp)
//  void
//  moves object by amount. wraps vertically.
    var hsp, vsp;
    hsp = argument0;
    vsp = argument1;
    x += hsp;
    y += vsp;
    if (y < 0 || y > room_height)
        y -= sign(y - 0.5*room_height) * room_height;
Expand/// move_xywrap(hsp,vsp) 
//  void
//  moves object by amount. wraps both directions.
    var hsp, vsp;
    hsp = argument0;
    vsp = argument1;
    x += hsp;
    if ((x < 0) || (x > room_width))
        x -= sign(x - 0.5*room_width) * room_width;
    y += vsp;
    if ((y < 0) || (y > room_height))
        y -= sign(y - 0.5*room_height) * room_height;


Expand/// camera_set_position_xwrap(x1,y1)
//  void
//  sets postion of view[0] to (x1,y1) and wraps
//  around the room horizontally using multiple
//  views that scale to the size of view[0].
    var x1, y1;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    view_xview[0] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
    view_yview[0] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
    if (x1 < 0.5*view_wview[0]) // the view is colliding with the left edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_xview[1] = room_width - 0.5*view_wview[0] + x1; 
        view_yview[1] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
        view_wview[1] = 0.5*view_wview[0] - x1; 
        view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]; 
        view_xport[1] = 0; 
        view_yport[1] = 0; 
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0]; 
        view_xview[2] = 0; 
        view_yview[2] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0]; 
        view_wview[2] = x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0]; 
        view_hview[2] = view_hview[0];
        view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
        view_yport[2] = 0;
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2]; 
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0]; 
    else if (x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0] > room_width) // the view is colliding with the right edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_xview[1] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0]; 
        view_yview[1] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0]; 
        view_wview[1] = 0.5*view_wview[0] + room_width - x1; 
        view_hview[1] = view_hview[0];
        view_xport[1] = 0; 
        view_yport[1] = 0; 
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0]; 
        view_xview[2] = 0; 
        view_yview[2] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0]; 
        view_wview[2] = 0.5*view_wview[0] + x1 - room_width; 
        view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]; 
        view_xport[2] = view_wport[1]; 
        view_yport[2] = 0; 
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0];  
    else // the view is not colliding with the edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = true;
        view_visible[1] = false;
        view_visible[2] = false;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
Expand/// camera_set_position_ywrap(x1,y1)
//  void
//  sets postion of view[0] to (x1,y1) and wraps
//  around the room horizontally using multiple
//  views that scale to the size of view[0].
    var x1, y1;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    view_xview[0] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
    view_yview[0] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
    if (y1 < 0.5*view_hview[0]) // the view is colliding with the top edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_yview[1] = room_height - 0.5*view_hview[0] + y1; 
        view_xview[1] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
        view_hview[1] = 0.5*view_hview[0] - y1; 
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]; 
        view_yport[1] = 0;
        view_xport[1] = 0;
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0];
        view_yview[2] = 0; 
        view_xview[2] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
        view_hview[2] = y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0]; 
        view_wview[2] = view_wview[0];
        view_yport[2] = view_hport[1]; 
        view_xport[2] = 0;
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2]; 
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0];   
    else if (y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0] > room_height)  // the view is colliding with the bottom edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_xview[1] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
        view_yview[1] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0];
        view_hview[1] = 0.5*view_hview[0] + room_height - y1;
        view_xport[1] = 0;
        view_yport[1] = 0;
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
        view_xview[2] = x - 0.5*view_wview[0];
        view_yview[2] = 0;
        view_wview[2] = view_wview[0];
        view_hview[2] = 0.5*view_hview[0] + y1 - room_height;
        view_xport[2] = 0;
        view_yport[2] = view_hport[1];
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
    else // the view is not colliding with the edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = true;
        view_visible[1] = false;
        view_visible[2] = false;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
Expand/// camera_set_position_xywrap(x1,y1)
//  void
//  sets postion of view[0] to (x1,y1) and wraps
//  around the room horizontally and vertically
//  using multiple views that scale to the size
//  of view[0].
    var x1, y1;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    view_xview[0] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
    view_yview[0] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
    if (x1 < 0.5*view_wview[0]) // the view is colliding with the left edge of the room
        if (y1 < 0.5*view_hview[0]) // the view is colliding with the top left corner of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = true;
            view_visible[4] = true;
            view_xview[1] = room_width + x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_yview[1] = room_height + y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_wview[1] = 0.5*view_wview[0] - x1;
            view_hview[1] = 0.5*view_hview[0] - y1;
            view_xport[1] = 0;
            view_yport[1] = 0;
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1]; 
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
            view_xview[2] = 0;
            view_yview[2] = room_height + y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_wview[2] = 0.5*view_wview[0] + x1;
            view_hview[2] = 0.5*view_hview[0] - y1;
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2]; 
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
            view_xview[3] = room_width + x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_yview[3] = 0;
            view_wview[3] = 0.5*view_wview[0] - x1;
            view_hview[3] = y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_xport[3] = 0;
            view_yport[3] = view_hport[1];
            view_wport[3] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[3];
            view_hport[3] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[3];
            view_xview[4] = 0;
            view_yview[4] = 0;
            view_wview[4] = x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_hview[4] = y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_xport[4] = view_wport[3];
            view_yport[4] = view_hport[2];
            view_wport[4] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[4];
            view_hport[4] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[4];
        else if (y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0] > room_height) // the view is colliding with the bottom left corner of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = true;
            view_visible[4] = true;
            view_xview[1] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0] + room_width;
            view_yview[1] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_wview[1] = 0.5*view_wview[0] - x1;
            view_hview[1] = room_height - y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_xport[1] = 0;
            view_yport[1] = 0;
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
            view_xview[2] = 0;
            view_yview[2] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_wview[2] = x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_hview[2] = 0.5*view_hview[0] + room_height - y1;
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
            view_xview[3] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0] + room_width;
            view_yview[3] = 0;
            view_wview[3] = 0.5*view_wview[0] - x1;
            view_hview[3] = y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0] - room_height;
            view_xport[3] = 0;
            view_yport[3] = view_hport[1];
            view_wport[3] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[3];
            view_hport[3] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[3];
            view_xview[4] = 0;
            view_yview[4] = 0;
            view_wview[4] = x + 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_hview[4] = y + 0.5*view_hview[0] - room_height;
            view_xport[4] = view_wport[3];
            view_yport[4] = view_hport[2];
            view_wport[4] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[4];
            view_hport[4] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[4];
        else  // the view is colliding with the left edge of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = false;
            view_visible[4] = false;
            view_xview[1] = room_width - 0.5*view_wview[0] + x1; 
            view_yview[1] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_wview[1] = 0.5*view_wview[0] - x1; 
            view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]; 
            view_xport[1] = 0; 
            view_yport[1] = 0; 
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0]; 
            view_xview[2] = 0; 
            view_yview[2] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0]; 
            view_wview[2] = x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0]; 
            view_hview[2] = view_hview[0];
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2]; 
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0]; 
    else if (x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0] > room_width) // the view is colliding with the rigth edge of the room
        if (y1 < 0.5*view_hview[0]) // the view is colliding with the top rigth edge of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = true;
            view_visible[4] = true;
            view_xview[1] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_yview[1] = room_height + y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_wview[1] = room_width - x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_hview[1] = 0.5*view_hview[0] - y1;
            view_xport[1] = 0;
            view_yport[1] = 0;
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
            view_xview[2] = 0;
            view_yview[2] = room_height + y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_wview[2] = x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0] - room_width;
            view_hview[2] = 0.5*view_hview[0] - y1;
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
            view_xview[3] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_yview[3] = 0;
            view_wview[3] = 0.5*view_wview[0] + room_width - x1;
            view_hview[3] = y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_xport[3] = 0;
            view_yport[3] = view_hport[1];
            view_wport[3] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[3];
            view_hport[3] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[3];
            view_xview[4] = 0;
            view_yview[4] = 0;
            view_wview[4] = x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0] - room_width;
            view_hview[4] = y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0]
            view_xport[4] = view_wport[3];
            view_yport[4] = view_hport[2];
            view_wport[4] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[4];
            view_hport[4] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[4];
        else if (y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0] > room_height) // the view is colliding with the bottom right edge of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = true;
            view_visible[4] = true;
            view_xview[1] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_yview[1] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_wview[1] = room_width - x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_hview[1] = room_height - y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_xport[1] = 0;
            view_yport[1] = 0;
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
            view_xview[2] = 0;
            view_yview[2] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
            view_wview[2] = x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0] - room_width;
            view_hview[2] = 0.5*view_hview[0] + room_height - y1;
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1];
            view_yport[2] = 0;
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
            view_xview[3] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_yview[3] = 0;
            view_wview[3] = room_width - x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0];
            view_hview[3] = y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0] - room_height;
            view_xport[3] = 0;
            view_yport[3] = view_hport[1];
            view_wport[3] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[3];
            view_hport[3] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[3];
            view_xview[4] = 0;
            view_yview[4] = 0;
            view_wview[4] = x1 + 0.5*view_wview[0] - room_width;
            view_hview[4] = y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0] - room_height;
            view_xport[4] = view_wport[3];
            view_yport[4] = view_hport[2];
            view_wport[4] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[4];
            view_hport[4] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[4];   
        else // the view is colliding with the right edge of the room
            view_visible[0] = false;
            view_visible[1] = true;
            view_visible[2] = true;
            view_visible[3] = false;
            view_visible[4] = false;
            view_xview[1] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0]; 
            view_yview[1] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0]; 
            view_wview[1] = 0.5*view_wview[0] + room_width - x1; 
            view_hview[1] = view_hview[0]; 
            view_xport[1] = 0; 
            view_yport[1] = 0; 
            view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
            view_hport[1] = view_hport[0]; 
            view_xview[2] = 0; 
            view_yview[2] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0]; 
            view_wview[2] = 0.5*view_wview[0] + x1 - room_width; 
            view_hview[2] = view_hview[0]; 
            view_xport[2] = view_wport[1]; 
            view_yport[2] = 0; 
            view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
            view_hport[2] = view_hport[0];    
    else if (y1 < 0.5*view_hview[0]) // the view is colliding with the top edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_yview[1] = room_height - 0.5*view_hview[0] + y1; 
        view_xview[1] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
        view_hview[1] = 0.5*view_hview[0] - y1; 
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0]; 
        view_yport[1] = 0;
        view_xport[1] = 0;
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0];
        view_yview[2] = 0; 
        view_xview[2] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
        view_hview[2] = y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0]; 
        view_wview[2] = view_wview[0];
        view_yport[2] = view_hport[1]; 
        view_xport[2] = 0;
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2]; 
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0];   
    else if (y1 + 0.5*view_hview[0] > room_height) // the view is colliding with the bottom edge of the room
        view_visible[0] = false;
        view_visible[1] = true;
        view_visible[2] = true;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;
        view_xview[1] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
        view_yview[1] = y1 - 0.5*view_hview[0];
        view_wview[1] = view_wview[0];
        view_hview[1] = 0.5*view_hview[0] + room_height - y1;
        view_xport[1] = 0;
        view_yport[1] = 0;
        view_wport[1] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[1];
        view_hport[1] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[1];
        view_xview[2] = x1 - 0.5*view_wview[0];
        view_yview[2] = 0;
        view_wview[2] = view_wview[0];
        view_hview[2] = 0.5*view_hview[0] + y1 - room_height;
        view_xport[2] = 0;
        view_yport[2] = view_hport[1];
        view_wport[2] = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0] * view_wview[2];
        view_hport[2] = view_hport[0] / view_hview[0] * view_hview[2];
        view_visible[0] = true;
        view_visible[1] = false;
        view_visible[2] = false;
        view_visible[3] = false;
        view_visible[4] = false;


Expand/// place_meeting_xwrap(x1, y1, obj)
//  boolean
//  returns true if there is a collision with 
//  obj at (x1,y1) or if the calling object
//  is colliding with the edge of the room 
//  and there is a collision at the oppostite 
//  side of room to (x1,y1) horizontally. 
//  i.e. adds or subtracts room_width to the x
//  position to check depending on what side of
//  the room the given point, (x1,y1) is.
    var x1, y1, obj, xwrap;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    obj = argument2;
    xwrap = x1 + bbox_left - x < 0 || x1 + bbox_right - x + 1 > room_width;
    return place_meeting(x1,y1,obj) || (xwrap && place_meeting(x1 - sign(x1 - 0.5*room_width) * room_width, y1, obj));
Expand/// place_meeting_ywrap(x1, y1, obj)
//  boolean
//  returns true if there is a collision with 
//  obj at (x1,y1) or if the calling object
//  is colliding with the edge of the room 
//  and there is a collision at the oppostite 
//  side of room to (x1,y1) horizontally. 
//  i.e. adds or subtracts room_width to the x
//  position to check depending on what side of
//  the room the given point, (x1,y1) is.
    var x1, y1, obj, ywrap;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    obj = argument2;
    ywrap = y1 + bbox_top - y < 0 || y1 + bbox_bottom - y + 1> room_height;
    return place_meeting(x1,y1,obj) || (ywrap && place_meeting(x1, y1 - sign(y1 - 0.5*room_height) * room_height, obj));
Expand/// place_meeting_xywrap(x1, y1, obj)
//  boolean
//  returns true if there is a collision with 
//  obj at (x1,y1) or if the calling object
//  is colliding with the edge of the room 
//  and there is a collision at the oppostite 
//  side of room to (x1,y1) horizontally. 
//  i.e. adds or subtracts room_width to x1
//  depending on what side of room x1 is.
    var x1, y1, obj, xwrap, ywrap;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    obj = argument2;
    xwrap = x1 + bbox_left - x < 0 || x1 + bbox_right - x + 1> room_width;
    ywrap = y1 + bbox_top - y < 0 || y1 + bbox_bottom - y + 1> room_height;
    if place_meeting(x1,y1,obj) 
        return true;
    else if (xwrap && place_meeting(x1 - sign(x1 - 0.5*room_width) * room_width, y1, obj)) 
        return true;
    else if (ywrap && place_meeting(x1, y1 - sign(y1 - 0.5*room_height) * room_height, obj)) 
        return true;
        return (xwrap && ywrap) && place_meeting(x1 -sign(x1-0.5*room_width)*room_width, y1-sign(y1-0.5*room_height)*room_height, obj);


Expand/// collide_move_xwrap(obj)
//  void
//  Checks for collision with obj and moves the 
//  calling object by the value of its 'hsp' & 'vsp'
//  varibles. Throws error if these are not set.
//  wraps room horizontally
    var obj = argument0;
    if place_meeting_xwrap(x+hsp,y,obj)
        while !place_meeting_xwrap(x+sign(hsp),y,obj)
            x += sign(hsp);
        hsp = 0;
        x += hsp;
    if (x < 0 || x > room_width)
        x -= sign(x - 0.5*room_width) * room_width;
    if place_meeting_xwrap(x, y + vsp, obj)
        while !place_meeting_xwrap(x,y+sign(vsp),obj)
            y += sign(vsp);
        vsp = 0;
        y += vsp;
Expand/// collide_move_ywrap(obj)
//  void
//  Checks for collision with obj and moves the 
//  calling object by the value of its 'hsp' & 'vsp'
//  varibles. Throws error if these are not set.
//  wraps room vertically
    var obj = argument0;
    if place_meeting_ywrap(x+hsp,y,obj)
        while !place_meeting_ywrap(x+sign(hsp),y,obj)
            x += sign(hsp);
        hsp = 0;
        x += hsp;
    if place_meeting_ywrap(x, y + vsp, obj)
        while !place_meeting_ywrap(x,y+sign(vsp),obj)
            y += sign(vsp);
        vsp = 0;
        y += vsp;
    if (y < 0 || y > room_height)
        y -= sign(y - 0.5*room_height) * room_height;
Expand/// collide_move_xywrap(obj)
//  void
//  Checks for collision with obj and moves the 
//  calling object by the value of its 'hsp' & 'vsp'
//  varibles. Throws error if these are not set.
//  wraps room on x and y axis.
    var obj = argument0;
    if place_meeting_xywrap(x+hsp,y,obj)
        while !place_meeting_xywrap(x+sign(hsp),y,obj)
            x += sign(hsp);
        hsp = 0;
        x += hsp;
    if (x < 0 || x > room_width)
        x -= sign(x - 0.5*room_width) * room_width;
    if place_meeting_xywrap(x, y + vsp, obj)
        while !place_meeting_xywrap(x,y+sign(vsp),obj)
            y += sign(vsp);
        vsp = 0;
        y += vsp;
    if (y < 0 || y > room_height)
        y -= sign(y - 0.5*room_height) * room_height;


Expand/// draw_self_xwrap()
//  void
//  draws self at current position and at the 
//  other side of the room if wrapping horizontally
    if ((x - sprite_width < 0) || (x + sprite_width > room_width))
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x-sign(x-0.5*room_width)*room_width, y, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);
Expand/// draw_self_ywrap()
//  void
//  draws self at current position and at the 
//  other side of the room if wrapping vertically.
    if ((y - sprite_height < 0) || (y + sprite_height > room_height))
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x, y -sign(y-0.5*room_height)*room_height, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);
Expand/// draw_self_xywrap()
//  void
//  draws self at current position and at the 
//  other sides of the room if colliding width the
//  edges of the room.
    var xwrap, ywrap;
    xwrap = (x - sprite_width < 0) || (x + sprite_width > room_width);
    ywrap = (y - sprite_height < 0) || (y + sprite_height > room_height);
    if xwrap
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x-sign(x-0.5*room_width)*room_width, y, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);
    if ywrap
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x, y -sign(y-0.5*room_height)*room_height, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);
    if xwrap && ywrap
        draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index, image_index, x-sign(y-0.5*room_width)*room_width, y -sign(y-0.5*room_height)*room_height, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha);

If guns don't kill people, people kill people. Does that means toasters don't toast toast, toast toasts toast?


#6 2016-10-30 16:44:31

Registered: 2016-09-21
Posts: 4

Re: Seamless Room Wrapping

I was trying to wrap a room with views to a while ago but I just couldn't get the math right. Nice submission!


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